This website is the property of Michael Grech Financial Investment Services Ltd (“MGFIS”). MGFIS is licensed to conduct Investment Services in Malta by the Malta Financial Services Authority.

This website is prepared for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as investment advice.  It does not constitute an offer or invitation by MGFIS to any person to buy or sell any investment.

This website has been prepared in accordance with legal requirements, no person should act upon any recommendation in this website without first obtaining professional investment advice.

The value of Investments may go up as well as down and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, nor a reliable guide to future performance. Currency fluctuations may affect the value of investments and any income derived.

This website may not be reproduced either in whole, or in part, without the written permission of MGFIS. MGFIS does not accept liability for any actions, proceedings, costs, demands, expenses, loss or damage arising from the use of all or part of this document.

This website is approved and issued by Michael Grech Financial Investment Services Ltd, Lv0-A The Brokerage, Santa Martha Street, Victoria, Gozo, Malta, VCT2550. Company registration number C28229.


"The company is committed to provide a professional service to all its clients through its talented, loyal and trusted workforce. In this way we want to create wealth and value for our clients, job satisfaction and opportunities for our employees and financial returns for our shareholders. The company strives to be one of the leading financial service providers in Malta."
Michael Grech Financial Investment Services Limited is licenced to conduct investment services in Malta by the Malta Financial Services Authority
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Level 0-A, The Brokerage, St. Marta Street, Victoria VCT 2550, Gozo, Malta
T [356] 2258 7000 F [356] 2155 9199

95, Fleur de Lys Road, Birkirkara BKR 9064, Malta.
T [356] 2258 7000, F [356] 2144 1006
E info@michaelgrechfinancial.com